1. The Prime Minister of India, H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh, is currently paying an Official Working Visit to Japan for the Annual Summit of the Prime Ministers on 24-26 October 2010 at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Japan, H. E. Mr. Naoto Kan. The two Prime Ministers held extensive talks on bilateral, regional and global issues of shared interest on 25 October 2010.
2. The two Prime Ministers reiterated the fundamental identity of values, interests and priorities between Japan and India. They reaffirmed the political commitment in both countries cutting across party lines and popular desire for upgrading bilateral relations, and valued their cooperation for sustained peace and prosperity in a changing and dynamic Asia and the world. In this context, they expressed their common desire to further consolidate, enhance and expand the Strategic and Global Partnership between them through the second decade of the 21st Century.
3. The two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction at the steady growth of political exchanges, dialogue and policy coordination at all levels. They positively evaluated Ministerial-level annual dialogues and exchanges between Foreign Minister, Defense Minister and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and External Affairs Minister, Defense Minister, Commerce and Industry Minister and Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India and noted that all these exchanges were successfully accomplished in 2010. They also supported the establishment of a Ministerial Level Economic Dialogue between India and Japan to give strategic and long-term policy orientation to their bilateral economic engagement, taking into account the regional and global context and to coordinate economic issues of cross-cutting nature, including infrastructure development and financing. They welcomed the launch of the ‘2 plus 2’ dialogue at Subcabinet / Senior Official level and the launch of a dialogue on Africa at the official level in 2010 as a reflection of wider policy consultation and coordination on foreign policy and security issues.
4. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the successful conclusion of negotiations on a balanced and mutually beneficial India – Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). They directed their relevant authorities to work towards early entry into force of CEPA and its smooth implementation. They expressed optimism that India-Japan CEPA will deepen their economic engagement, in terms of trade in goods and services, investment and cooperation and contribute to mutual prosperity. They hailed CEPA between these two leading economies of Asia as an important step for regional integration. They noted with satisfaction the recent growth in Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) into India and hoped that CEPA and the Memorandum on Simplifying Visa Procedures, the latter signed today, will further facilitate the presence of Japanese businesspersons in India.
5. The two Prime Ministers underlined the vital importance of economic cooperation, including Japan’s Official Development Assistance to India and Special Economic Partnership Initiatives, in strengthening India-Japan partnership. Prime Minister Singh expressed his appreciation to the Government and the people of Japan for Japan’s generous role in India’s development. The two Prime Ministers aimed for early completion of both phases of the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor in India in a parallel manner with Japan’s financial and technical assistance, and noted with satisfaction the progress on the Phase II of the Corridor with the signing of the Exchange of Notes for the Engineering Services for Phase II in July 2010. They expressed their desire to accelerate progress on the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). Prime Minister Kan expressed his intention to enhance Japan’s involvement to DMICDC (Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation) through the efforts of related organizations such as JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) and AOTS (Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship). The two Prime Ministers positively appraised the efforts from both sides to develop the Corridor in an eco-friendly manner as “Smart Communities” and welcomed the progress of cooperation in the field of urban development. They took note of the potential of the DMIC project to enhance physical connectivity across Asia. They encouraged greater investment from Japan into India including in the infrastructure sector over the next decade to realize this vision, and asked their respective sides to engage in dialogues on public-private partnership on DMIC. Prime Minister Singh appreciated Japan’s decision on the extension of the period of technical cooperation programme, Visionary Leaders for Manufacturing (VLFM) Programme. The two Prime Ministers hoped that this programme will contribute to the development of manufacturing sector in India.
6. The two Prime Ministers welcomed India-Japan cooperation in development of new and renewable energy, and clean coal technology and enhancing energy efficiency in India’s power sector and encouraged the India-Japan Ministerial Level Energy Dialogue to facilitate pragmatic and mutually beneficial cooperation in other related areas to further strengthen energy security. In this context, they also welcomed the establishment of a Nuclear Energy Working Group under the Energy Dialogue in April 2010 to exchange views and information on their respective nuclear energy policies from the energy, economic and industrial perspectives. They further welcomed the exchange of information between the nuclear energy industries of the two countries including through business missions. The two Prime Ministers recognized the importance of promoting cooperation between the two countries’ industries in expanding bilateral energy cooperation on a commercial basis, including through the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). Recognizing the importance of rare earths and rare metals for future industries, the two Prime Ministers decided to explore the possibility of bilateral cooperation in development, re-cycling and re-use of rare earths and rare metals and in research and development of their industrial substitutes.
7. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the commencement of negotiations between India and Japan on an Agreement for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy in June 2010. They affirmed that cooperation in this sector will open up new opportunities for further developing the India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership. They encouraged their negotiators to arrive at a mutually satisfactory agreement for civil nuclear cooperation at an early date.
8. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the progress made in 2010 on facilitation of trade in high technology between the two countries. They asked the relevant authorities to maintain dialogue on high technology trade including respective export control systems and realize its full potential keeping in mind the strategic partnership between the two countries.
9. The two Prime Ministers decided to steadily expand security and defense cooperation between India and Japan. They aimed to cooperate to enhance their capacity in responding to security challenges such as maritime security which entails safety and freedom of navigation and counter-piracy, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief and response, inter alia, through bilateral and multilateral exercises, information sharing, training and dialogue. In this context, they welcomed the launch of India-Japan Shipping Policy Forum and mutual exchange of schedules of escort operations by the Indian Navy and Japan Self-Defense Forces in the Gulf of Aden. They instructed relevant authorities to realize the full potential of the Action Plan to advance Security Cooperation signed in 2009, based on the Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation between India and Japan.
10. The two Prime Ministers condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purpose. Prime Minister Kan condemned terrorist attacks in and against India, such as the bomb blast in Pune on 13 February 2010 and in Kabul on 26 February 2010, in which Indians as well as other nationals were targeted. They decided to enhance greater cooperation in combating terrorism through information-sharing and counter-terrorism training as well as utilizing the India-Japan Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism. They recognized the urgent need to finalize and adopt the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism in the United Nations and called upon all States to cooperate in resolving the outstanding issues expeditiously. Japan welcomed India’s membership of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and India appreciated Japan’s support towards this.
11. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the progress made in Science and Technology cooperation, including the India-Japan Cooperative Science Programme. In order to realize full potential of cooperation in this field, they encouraged their respective authorities to promote the cooperative research in the strategic and high technology areas such as Green Innovation and Life Innovation. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the establishment and the holding of “Committee on India-Japan ICT (Information and Communication Technology) strategy for economic growth” and “India-Japan ICT regulatory policy talk”. They shared the view that they will further enhance business tie-ups, R&D collaborative activities and policy cooperation in the field of information and communication technology through close bilateral cooperation.
12. The two Prime Ministers recognized the importance of strengthening cultural, academic and people-to-people exchanges between India and Japan to reflect their strategic partnership and popular goodwill. They hoped that the signing of the Memorandum on Simplifying Visa Procedures will further facilitate the movement of people between India and Japan. Prime Minister Kan appreciated India’s provision of the Visa on Arrival facility for Japanese tourists in India on experimental basis for 2010. They reiterated their commitment to collaborating in the development of the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH) through various contributions from Japan including through Official Development Assistance and encouraged the relevant authorities to work towards early creation of physical infrastructure for IITH. They welcomed the on-going exchanges between IITH and Japanese academia and industry, including the visits of the students and young professors of IITH to Japan within the framework of Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) programme and the kick-off of Information Network for Natural Disaster Mitigation and Recovery under Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS). They also welcomed the fact that the collaboration for the development of the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur is enhanced with the cooperation of Japanese universities and companies.
13. The two Prime Ministers decided to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Japan in 2012 in a befitting manner. They directed their officials to bring out a calendar of exchanges and events, aimed at bringing the two nations closer, to mark this important anniversary.
14. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their support for the East Asia Summit (EAS) as an open, inclusive, transparent and outward-looking forum, striving to strengthen global norms and universally recognized values and promoting peace, stability and prosperity across East Asia, of which India and Japan are key members. In this context, they welcomed the recent decision of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers to invite the United States and the Russian Federation to join as members of the EAS. They also supported existing achievements such as Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) and its three-pillar approach for regional cooperation. They welcomed Japan’s Concept Paper “Initial Steps towards Regional Economic Integration in East Asia: A Gradual Approach”. They also welcomed ERIA’s “Comprehensive Asian Development Plan”, and recognized the importance of hard infrastructure and industrial policy in the Mekong-India Corridor Study, whose implementation could be further discussed between relevant authorities and entities. They discussed ways for enhancing greater economic integration and connectivity between India and the East Asian region. They encouraged their officials to examine studies undertaken by ERIA and other think-tanks in the East Asia region relating to transport and industrial development corridors in the peninsular region of India. Prime Minister Singh noted with appreciation Japan’s initiative for an East Asian Community, in which India is expected to play an important role. Prime Minister Kan welcomed India’s initiative to revive Nalanda University and expressed Japan’s continued support to this initiative which will strengthen the cultural and civilizational bonds between the countries in Asia.
15. The two Prime Ministers expressed their commitment to assisting Afghanistan to become a stable, democratic and pluralistic nation free of terrorism and extremism. They emphasized the importance of a coherent and united international commitment to Afghan-led initiatives. Prime Minister Kan expressed that such a commitment encompasses security assistance, including assistance towards Afghan National Police, reintegration of insurgents, and development. Prime Minister Singh emphasized the importance of strengthening and adequate training of the Afghan National Security Forces so that they can defend the sovereignty and independence of Afghanistan. They concurred that the process of reintegration should not deviate from the principles expressed in the Kabul Conference. The two Prime Ministers pledged to explore opportunities for consultation and coordination on their respective civilian assistance projects, including those projects implemented in the neighboring countries, that advance Afghan leadership and ownership and build civilian capacity.
16. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their shared commitment to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Kan stressed the importance of bringing into force the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) at an early date. Prime Minister Singh reiterated India’s commitment to a unilateral and voluntary moratorium on nuclear explosive testing. They supported the strengthening of international cooperation with a view to addressing the challenges of nuclear terrorism and clandestine proliferation and expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the Nuclear Security Summit of April 2010, including the establishment by Japan of the Integrated Comprehensive Support Center for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security to be established in Japan and the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership to be established by India. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to working together for immediate commencement and an early conclusion of negotiations on a non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally and effectively verifiable Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) in the Conference on Disarmament. They further reiterated that nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation are mutually reinforcing processes. They also underscored the importance of peaceful uses of nuclear energy and of further strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation efforts. They decided that both countries will enhance cooperation in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation through close dialogues, including at regularly held bilateral nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation meetings as well as at the Conference on Disarmament.
17. The two Prime Ministers reiterated the importance of a positive result for the current climate change negotiations at the forthcoming conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Mexico, and reaffirmed their determination to work together towards this conference. They stressed that the outcome should be reached in an inclusive and transparent manner and should effectively address the challenge of climate change in accordance with the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC. They decided that the Copenhagen Accord should contribute positively to such an outcome. The two Prime Ministers also reaffirmed the importance of strengthening bilateral discussions on climate change on various occasions, including a possible establishment of a framework of comprehensive bilateral cooperation.
18. Prime Minister Singh congratulated Japan for hosting the 10th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP) on Biodiversity in Nagoya on 18th-29th October 2010 and wished it a successful outcome, including the adoption of the Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing. As prospective host of the next meeting of COP on Biodiversity in 2012, India looks forward to a close working relationship with Japan during its Presidency and beyond Nagoya.
19. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their resolve to realize a comprehensive reform of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, especially its expansion in both permanent and non-permanent categories which has commanded the maximum support from UN member states in the text-based intergovernmental negotiations in the UN General Assembly They shared their view that both countries would participate actively in these negotiations and decided to accelerate their efforts, bilaterally as well as in close cooperation with the G4 and other like-minded countries, to achieve a meaningful result during the current session of the General Assembly , so as to make the Security Council more representative, legitimate, effective, and responsive to the realities of the international community in the 21st century.
20. The two Prime Ministers recognized that a positive outcome of the WTO Doha Development Agenda (DDA) of trade talks will be instrumental in economic recovery. They reaffirmed that a prompt, ambitious and balanced, as well as successful conclusion of the DDA would bolster the credibility of the multilateral trading system. They appreciated the momentum to rejuvenate the DDA negotiations and resolved to work together towards bridging the remaining negotiating gaps.
21. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed the role of the G-20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation and reiterated their commitment to work together and with other partners to pursue urgent and effective implementation of G-20 Summit decisions. They reaffirmed the importance of their cooperation for the Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth. They expressed their commitment to reform financial sector so as to prevent recurrence of financial crisis. They expressed support for the reform of the international financial institutions (IFIs) including IMF within the internationally recognized time frame to enhance their legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to eschewing protectionism in all its forms covering trade in goods and services as well as investment and financial flows.
22. Prime Minister Singh expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome and hospitality of Prime Minister Kan. Prime Minister Singh extended an invitation to Prime Minister Kan for the next Annual Bilateral Summit in India in 2011 at a mutually convenient date to be decided through diplomatic channels. Prime Minister Kan accepted the invitation with pleasure.
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