Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy – Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank has invites a recruitment notification for all the eligible candidates who are willing to join this company. Job seekers must read this recruitment notification or advertisement and apply for the recruitment. Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy. Recruitment will be done for the following posts:
Posts of Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy:
Recruitment process will be done for filling 458 vacant posts.
1. Officer Scale-III – 04
2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) – 17
3. Officer Scale-II (IT) – 09
4. Officer Scale-II (Law) – 01
5. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager) – 02
6. Officer Scale-I – 150
7. Office Assistant (Multipurpose) – 275
Age Limit for Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy:
Candidates who are willing to apply for this job, they need to be satisfy the age limits (upper age and lower age) –
- For Officer Scale-III : Candidates age should not less than 21 years and should not exceed 40 years.
- For Officer Scale-II : Candidates age should not less than 21 years and should not exceed 32 years.
- For Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant : Candidates age should not less than 18 years and should not exceed 28 years.
Educational Qualification for Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy:
Another criteria a candidates should satisfy is the educational qualification. A candidates must have that qualification or higher qualification which is specified in the advertisement.
For this job a Candidates must have completed Graduation Degree in relevant discipline or equivalent from a recognized University.
Important Dates of Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy:
Few important dates a candidate should keep in mind-
Opening date of Online Application: 28.01.2014
Closing date of Online Application: 11.02.2014
For More Information:: Click Here for the Official Notification of Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank vacancy.
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