The 41st International Film Festival of India (IFFI) concluded in the Goa’s capital of Panaji on 2.12.2010 evening with the Bengali filmmaker Gautam Ghose’s “Moner Manush” winning the Golden Peacock award.
Danish filmmaker Susanne Bier’s “In a Better World” got the Silver Peacock award for the best director. Guven Kirac, who acted in the Turkish film “The Crossing”, won the Silver Peacock for the best actor, while Magdalena Boczarska won the Silver Peacock for the best actress for her performance in the Polish film “Little Rose”.
The special jury award was split between the film “Just Another Love Story” from India and “Boy” from New Zealand.
The Golden Peacock carries prize money of 4 million rupees ( about 86,956 U.S. dollars), while the Silver Peacock for the best director is awarded 1.5 million (about 32,608 U.S. dollars) rupees. The Silver Peacock for the best actor and actress carries prize money of one million rupees each, while the winner of the special jury prize gets 1.5 million rupees in money.
The festival was inaugurated at Kala Academy in Panaji on Nov. 22, and Indian Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee lit the traditional lamp to lift the curtains.
This festival is the biggest annual film festival in south Asia, involving the participation of 61 countries and regions, 300 world-acclaimed films and over 6,000 delegates.
Since 1952, India has hosted 40 international film festivals, including both competitive and non-competitive types. From 1975 onwards, these festivals became annual events.
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