Peruvaian author Mario Vargas Llosa has won 2010 Nobel Prize for literature, the Swedish Academy announced in Stockholm on 7.01.2010.
The Swedish Academy’s citation said it honoured the 74-year-old author “for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual’s resistance, revolt and defeat.” His international breakthrough came with the 1960s novel “The Time of The Hero.”
Vargas Llosa is the first South American winner of the prestigious Nobel Prize in literature since it was awarded to Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1982.
The Swedish Academy announced the award in Stockholm, praising Mr. Vargas Llosa “for his
Mr. Vargas Llosa’s body of work includes more than 30 novels, essays and plays that have been widely translated in English, French, Swedish and German. Some of his best-known works include “The Green House,” “Conversation in the Cathedral,” “Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter,” “A Fish in the Water: a Memoir,” “The Feast of the Goat” and “The Storyteller.” His other honors include winning the Cervantes Prize in 1995, the highest literary honor in the Spanish-speaking world.
Vargas Llosa was born in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru. He lived for few years in Bolivia with his family, returning to Peru in 1946. His father opposed his ambitions to be a writer and sent him to military school. His work found a wide international audience in the 1960’s with the publication of “The Time of the Hero,” a novel based on the time he spent at the military academy that aroused controversy in Peru.
After a period in France where he worked as a language teacher and journalist, he returned to Peru and became heavily involved in politics. In 1990 he became a candidate for president, losing in a run-off election.
Mr. Vargas Llosa is currently spending a semester teaching Latin American studies at Princeton University.
The awards ceremony is planned for Dec. 10 in Stockholm where Mr. Vargas Llosa will receive 10 million kronor, or about US $1.5 million.
The last South American to win literature Nobel was the Colombian Gabríel García Márquez, who was awarded the prize in 1982. The last Spanish-speaking writer to win the prize was the Mexican Octavio Paz in 1990.
List of Nobel Prize Winners in Literature so far
2010 — Mario Vargas Llosa, Peru
2009 — Herta Mueller, Romania and Germany
2008 — Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio, France and Mauritius
2007 — Doris Lessing, United Kingdom
2006 — Orhan Pamuk, Turkey
2005 — Harold Pinter, United Kingdom
2004 — Elfriede Jelinek, Austria
2003 — J. M. Coetzee, South Africa
2002 — Imre Kertesz, Hungary
2001 — V. S. Naipaul, United Kingdom
2000 — Gao Xingjian, France
1999 — Gunter Grass, Germany
1998 — Jose Saramago, Portugal
1997 — Dario Fo, Italy
1996 — Wislawa Szymborska, Poland
1995 — Seamus Heaney, Ireland
1994 — Kenzaburo Oe, Japan
1993 — Toni Morrison, United States
1992 — Derek Walcott, Saint Lucia
1991 — Nadine Gordimer, South Africa
1990 — Octavio Paz, Mexico
1989 — Camilo Jose Cela, Spain
1988 — Naguib Mahfouz, Egypt
1987 — Joseph Brodsky, United States
1986 — Wole Soyinka, Nigeria
1985 — Claude Simon, France
1984 — Jaroslav Seifert, Czechoslovakia
1983 — William Golding, United Kingdom
1982 — Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombia
1981 — Elias Canetti, United Kingdom
1980 — Czeslaw Milosz, Poland and United States
1979 — Odysseus Elytis, Greece
1978 — Isaac Bashevis Singer, United States
1977 — Vicente Aleixandre, Spain
1976 — Saul Bellow, United States
1975 — Eugenio Montale, Italy
1974 — Eyvind Johnson, Sweden; Harry Martinson, Sweden
1973 — Patrick White, Australia
1972 — Heinrich Boll, Germany
1971 — Pablo Neruda, Chile
1970 — Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, Soviet Union
1969 — Samuel Beckett, Ireland
1968 — Yasunari Kawabata, Japan
1967 — Miguel Angel Asturias, Guatemala
1966 — Shmuel Agnon, Israel; Nelly Sachs, Sweden
1965 — Mikhail Sholokhov, Soviet Union
1964 — Jean-Paul Sartre, France
1963 — Giorgos Seferis, Greece
1962 — John Steinbeck, United States
1961 — Ivo Andric, Yugoslavia
1960 — Saint-John Perse, France
1959 — Salvatore Quasimodo, Italy
1958 — Boris Pasternak, Soviet Union
1957 — Albert Camus, France
1956 — Juan Ramon Jimenez, Spain
1955 — Halldor Laxness, Iceland
1954 — Ernest Hemingway, United States
1953 — Winston Churchill, United Kingdom
1952 — Francois Mauriac, France
1951 — Par Lagerkvist, Sweden
1950 — Bertrand Russell, United Kingdom
1949 — William Faulkner, United States
1948 — T.S. Eliot, United Kingdom
1947 — Andre Gide, France
1946 — Hermann Hesse, Switzerland
1945 — Gabriela Mistral, Chile
1944 — Johannes V. Jensen, Denmark
1943 — No prize awarded
1942 — No prize awarded
1941 — No prize awarded
1940 — No prize awarded
1939 — Frans Eemil Sillanpaa, Finland
1938 — Pearl Buck, United States
1937 — Roger Martin du Gard, France
1936 — Eugene O’Neill, United States
1935 — No prize awarded
1934 — Luigi Pirandello, Italy
1933 — Ivan Bunin, stateless domicile in France
1932 — John Galsworthy, United Kingdom
1931 — Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Sweden
1930 — Sinclair Lewis, United States
1929 — Thomas Mann, Germany
1928 — Sigrid Undset, Norway
1927 — Henri Bergson, France
1926 — Grazia Deledda, Italy
1925 — George Bernard Shaw, United Kingdom
1924 — Wladyslaw Reymont, Poland
1923 — William Butler Yeats, Ireland
1922 — Jacinto Benavente, Spain
1921 — Anatole France, France
1920 — Knut Hamsun, Norway
1919 — Carl Spitteler, Switzerland
1918 — No prize awarded
1917 — Karl Gjellerup, Denmark; Henrik Pontoppidan, Denmark
1916 — Verner von Heidenstam, Sweden
1915 — Romain Rolland, France
1914 — No prize awarded
1913 — Rabindranath Tagore, India
1912 — Gerhart Hauptmann, Germany
1911 — Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgium
1910 — Paul Heyse, Germany
1909 — Selma Lagerlof, Sweden
1908 — Rudolf Eucken, Germany
1907 — Rudyard Kipling, United Kingdom
1906 — Giosue Carducci, Italy
1905 — Henryk Sienkiewicz, Poland
1904 — Frederic Mistral, France; Jose Echegaray, Spain
1903 — Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Norway
1902 — Theodor Mommsen, Germany
1901 — Sully Prudhomme, France
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