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Explain opening and closing of files with examples

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Explain opening and closing of files with examples.

Ans. A data file allows us to store information permanently and to access and alter that information whenever necessary. There are two types of data files, one is stream-oriented data files and another is system-oriented data files.

When working with a stream – oriented data file, the first step to establish a buffer area, where information is temporarily stored while being transferred between computers memory and the data file. The buffer area is established by writing

FILE * Pointer var;

A data file must then be opened before it can be created and processed. The library function ‘fopen’ is used to open a file. The syntax of fopen is

pintervar = fopen (filename, mode)

A data file opened using fopen must be closed at the end of the program. A library function fclose is used for this purpose.
The syntax for fclose is :

fclose (pointervar);


     void main()
        FILE *p; char ch;

        p=fopen("MyFile.txt","r"); //here option "r" indicates that we opened the file as read mode.




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